We are designing a new home for a couple from Charlotte, literally on the top of a mountain in Lansing, North Carolina. You can see Tennessee, South Carolina and North Carolina from this vantage point. We are using ICF foundation. That stands for insulated concrete forms. This is a cost effective way of providing insulation and formwork for the poured concrete. Our clients were teasing us saying that they hire us and we build their home out of styrofoam. We will be cladding the exterior with stone. The beauty of this system is that you can add the steel reinforcing required to support this retaining wall. Because the of the high winds of the location we have partially depressed the home into the top of the mountain. We are so fortunate to be given such an amazing site to design a home.

View of Retaining wall outside of garage.

ICF foundation at guest rooms.

Incredible view to the South from top of the mountain.

View to the East. Pretty magical.

Close up showing the steel reinforcing near the guest rooms.

View from the entry towards the South at the top of the mountain.

Overall view showing the extent of the basement walk out.